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SKU:Art. No.: 220680

Scotchbond Universal Adhesive Intro kit

Scotchbond Universal Adhesive Intro kit

Regular price £130.10
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Product overview
Universal adhesive
For direct and indirect applications
High adhesive strength
For all application techniques
Available as intro kit or refill pack

Scotchbond Universal Adhesive

Scotchbond Universal Adhesive from 3M Espe is suitable for direct and indirect application and can be used on all surfaces without an additional primer. The innovative adhesive has high adhesive strength and can be used with a variety of application techniques, such as etch & rinse or selective enamel etching.

Product Details

Scotchbond Universal Adhesive
Versatile fields of application
For direct and indirect applications
Can be used on all surfaces without an additional primer
Adheres to enamel, dentin, glass ceramics, zirconium oxide and base metal alloys
Can be used will all application techniques, such as etch & rinse, selection enamel etching and self-etching
Adhesive for classic restorative treatment, dentin sealing, tooth neck desensitisation
Adhesive for indirect restorations, e.g. in combination with the adhesive luting composite RelyX Ultimate
High adhesive strength
Quick and easy to use
Easy, precise dosage
Available either as an intro kit or as a refill pack

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