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SKU:Art. No.: 220566

Preciform N HardBite

Preciform N HardBite

Regular price £39.86
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Product overview
For precise bite registration
Double cartridge
Fast setting, high final hardness
Colour: green

Preciform N HardBite
Preciform N HardBite is a quick-setting A-silicone, and is ideal for precise bite registration or representation of the static occlusion. After the short hardening time of only 45 seconds, Preciform N HardBite retains its shape permanently, and is easily processed and controlled. Preciform N HardBite comes in a double cartridge, measures at a ratio of 1:1, and is ready for immediate application.

Product Details:
Preciform N HardBite
For bite registration
Quick-setting A-silicone
For precise bite registration or representation of the static occlusion
Also suitable for bite fork technology
Also suitable as a key material e.g. for intraoral supporting pin registrations
Targeted, drip-free application
Precise reproduction of the chewing surfaces, edges and occlusion
Easy to control and process with burs, scissors and scalpel
Does not spring when articulating
Permanent retention of shape and dimensions
High final hardness
Shore: A 91
Colour: green
Processing time including mixing time: 15 seconds
Intraoral setting time: 45 seconds
Curing time (including mixing time): 1 minute
1 pack with 2 safety cartridges of 50ml Preciform N HardBite plus 12 mixing cannulae (turquoise)

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