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SKU:Art. No.: 221404

mediRegis® Collagen Fleece 20 x 20 mm

mediRegis® Collagen Fleece 20 x 20 mm

Regular price £186.84
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Product overview
Sterile regeneration fleece
Fully absorbable
Haemostatic and anti-inflammatory
Available in various sizes
10 pieces, individually sterile packed

mediRegis® Collagen Fleece
mediRegis® Collagen Fleece is an implantable bio-porcine regeneration fleece for the treatment of e.g. soft tissue defects or extraction wounds. The fully absorbable fleece has outstanding biocompatibility, is very well tolerated and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Due to its ability to bind multiple times the volume of fluid and to quickly stop an existing bleeding, mediRegis® is excellently suited for patients receiving anticoagulant medication or prone to postoperative bleeding. It also improves wound healing and reduces pain.

The conditions for a subsequent, planned implantation are improved, as the blood coagulum remains longer in the extraction socket and thus promotes bone and soft tissue regeneration. The risk of horizontal and vertical resorption is reduced, the alveolar ridge is preserved and the conditions for a subsequent prosthetic restoration are optimised.

Product Details
Bio-porcine collagen fleece
Fully absorbable
For socket preservation, for the restoration of soft tissue defects, after extractions
For haemostyptic wound care, especially in patients with coagulation problems
Reduces the risk of secondary bleeding
Improves conditions before implantation
To prevent wound infections
For the preservation of the jaw ridge (socket preservation)
Promotes wound healing and supports tissue regeneration
Biocompatible and very well tolerated
Has an anti-inflammatory effect
Free from BSE pathogens, bacteria and viruses
Individually sterile packed
Immediately applicable
Available in various sizes
10 pieces, sterile packed

Oral wounds
Biopsy sites
Minor bone defects
Soft tissue dehiscences
Reduction of bleeding and rebleeding
Tissue regeneration of the socket (socket preservation)
Avoidance of wound infections
Defects after apicoectomy
Protection of Schneider's membrane from perforation
Haemostyptic wound care of the extraction socket

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